Monkey Wrench Launch!


I’ve been building something for awhile now and it’s finally time to tell people about it!

It’s a non profit focused agency which will produce PSA’s and issue documentaries. It’s called Monkey Wrench.

My experience working on the 5 Gyres Institute PSA during the past year was awesome. If you haven’t already heard, the state of California just banned microbeads, due in large part to the work of 5 Gyres team, Richard Bloom and citizens who care. Learn more about 5 Gyres here.

Overall I’ve found the experience of producing short issue oriented documentaries the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Manifesto was the beginning of that. Whether broadcast is ready for the subjects at hand is still in question. Luckily broadcast is not essential anymore.

We’ll be posting the link to the Monkey Wrench site in the upcoming days!